To Biwire or not to biwire

Looking to hear from people that have biwired using one amp (not bi amping). I read a lot about - works well in a poorly designed loudspeaker, but makes it worse in a well designed one (see Coincident Speaker web site). Looking forward to comments. I am using Coincident CST speaker cable. Thanks in advance.
I have identified one theoretical reason why biwire may be helpful, Forget about the Hot speaker wire: look at the return. The return terminals of the woofer and tweeter are tied together, and then returned to ground through the non-zero impedance of the speaker cable. This provides a mechanism for the two drivers to interfere with each other. Separate return wires would eliminate this.

Another thing that I have done, and which seems to be a success, is to replace the tweeter padding resistor with the resistance of small-size tweeter cable. In my case this is easy to do, because the tweeter padding resistor is externally mounted and its value is easily changed to suit listener preference. With my MG 1.6 I like one ohm. So, I made the tweeter wires so that they have one ohm, round trip. The main advantage of this approach is cost reduction. I was able to biamp three speakers for about $8.50, and I still have some wire left over.

Did biamping help? Don't know. They sounded good before, and they still do.
I've never heard a difference biwiring unless I used dis-similar cables to act as a poor man's tone control, which works by the way, at least until you can afford to by a proper matching amp for your speakers.
IMHO, biwre makes no difference except if you're using very thin speaker cable ( double the band width helps in this case.) Biwire is more for bi-amping and I have not heard any good bi-amping combo in 3 systems. It just doesn't sound natural ( not in sync ) to me. Just make sure you have good connection ( a good pair of jumper cable ) in between the binding posts and concertrate on a good pair of speaker cable.
Of course I meant "bi-wire" not 'bi-amp" (although I do that also).

For some reason I can't find the option that allows one to correct a posting.
Right now my speakers are bi-wired and I love the sound, but I'm looking to upgrade my amp and am not sure I'll be able to to use the double runs. I spent a lot on the cables (all Kimber, 4TC for the treble and 8 for the bass) and would really like to keep what I've got. Can anyone tell me some amps that will accomodate?

Sorry if this is a silly question -- I'm fairly new to the upgrade bug...