Coincident speaker cable experience

I have been using Coincident speaker cable (CST) for two years. Due to changes in my system I need twice as long cables (have 8 feet, need 14 feet). I have two options. get longer cables from Coincident or get another cable brand. Have seen a lot about other speaker cables such as Wire World Eclipse III+. They seem to be outstanding in the reviews I read. My question is How good is Coincident Speaker Cable compared to the competion?

It is great that you are happy with the Coincident products. I wasn't.

At the end of the day, all anybody here is doing is offering their opinions. Frankly, why is your opinion more valid or correct than mine or anybody else?

Many of the ic's I tried performed better than the Coincident. I documented that in my review of the Argent Audio Jaden Signature. If you want to find out more details please refer to that.

Otherwise, relax and enjoy some music.
Zybar, I am glad you can brush aside someone questioning your statements so easily. I guess it really is easier than standing up and having defend one's position.

No question, we are all here to give opinions. You are correct, no one's opinion is any more valid than anyone elses. But, that presumes the opinion seems cogent in the first place. The opinions tend to look more informed, and therefore, carry more weight, when they are backed up with more than, "I like this one better than that one".

Please provide the link to your review, and I will be more than happy to read it. I didn't see it in the reviews here on Audiogon.

Thank you,
i have found their interconnect a bargain for the price.

is as good as my xlo signiture II.

no, but at 1/2 the price it is very close.