DAT's not all folks

Doug Oade states that Sony plans on making DAT decks at least until the year 2002. He also states that parts will be available for 5 years afterwards. There appears to be alot of confusion on production of DAT.
I own 2, purchased from Jim (Oade). There is widespread (heh) use of these machines among the "tapers" that frequent live music occurrences. Besides tHe Oade's shop, there is Sonic Sense's Marc Nutter in Colorado, who is the western US guru for people that can't get enough live music. Although is is possible to record straight to hard drive, most tapers are still using the Sony D8 or perhaps its older sibling the D7, if they have quite alot of money maybe the Tascap DAP-1, or if they are a true trustafarian (trust funded free spirit) they might own the HHB portadat. IF DATs are no longer sold, the Oade Bros will still repair them, as will SOnic Sense. REcording straight to hard drive is infinitely better, since DATs have so many moving parts and need frequent upkeep. A hard disk has relatively few, however I have no idea how much these things cost, since I have been out of the game for quite a while.

IF you want a DAT, I say buy it. If SOny stops making them, Tascam won't, and My guess is, neither will HHB. THE format is in use across America, and will continue to be until recording to HD becomes readily accessible to hippies with money. Salut
Gthirteen, My post was in response to Marc Nutter's information on the eventual and soon demise of Dat. Please read my prior posting for greater details.

I have not spoken with Jim, Doug, Marc, or anyone about this.

However, I severely doubt that these products will be unavailable in 3 years.

There is simply too large a group of users (admittedly, not a readily available medium...ever needed a DAT tape in the middle of a small town... good luck...) for the format to disappear.

I understand that they are a bitch to keep going, because I use them, as do many field recorders, recording studios, radio stations, and television studios. I am not debating anything you've said, I just don't think that they will stop making them alltogether.

I was thinking about selling my D8, maybe I'll wait a couple of years, of course, I took a bath on that truckload of turntables I bought in 1980....I thought they were going to be hard to find.....

Cheers, and see live music!!!!!!
If you read my post, maybe I didn't make it clear, I stated that according to Oade Sony "WILL" continue to support Dat up to and possibly through 2002. If and when they stop parts for repairs will be available for 5 years.

My first post was in regards to Mark Nutters Web page posting from his trip to Vegas and not my opinion.

What I'm trying to convey is not so much what we feel is going to happen, which is appreciated, but a response from what someone may know. Thus my last and most resent posting Dats "not" all folks!

BTW, I have been using Dat in the field for 12 years, starting with a first generation Panasonics Sv250 then 255 then Sony D10proII. I have logged over 2000 hrs of live concert digital recording.

The reason I am telling this is that you state that many people have been using Dat for in the field, ect.. I would be part of that ferternity. Thus, my communications in this forum on this topic.

I'm not talking about this to scare people or shoot blanks but to get questions answered and pass on information.

Dat is being rapidly phased out by soundmen. The perferred format is 8mm or Adat, which give you the ability to multi-track or sample at 24/96.

Also, I there will be a time when 4mm will be gone and hard-drive storage will be the perferred 2 track storage. These are topics presently discussed in Mix and other rags.

The question is not whether but when.

PS. G13- If you do in the field recordings I would be glad to do some trades with you :)