Theta Gen 5a Bal Vs Mark Levinson 36S

What's your opinion about these two Dacs Theta Gen 5a Balance VS Mark Levinson 36S ??
Have any of you the change to compare these both ?
Thanks in Advance
I tried both.Go with the Levinson.Easier to listen to.The Gen 5a is axcellent,but system matching is critical.If you have a laid back set up.The Gen 5a will bloom.If not,it can be a diaster.The Levinson is almost perfect.It's versatile.So you can place it just about in any system and hear it's magic.Good luck.Both pieces are fantastic.It's really just a matter of your preference.
I disagree, the Levinson 36s is much more refined than the theta!!! The Levinson is also much more open and airy sounding. Also Theta is not the best company for there service department. Levinson will bend over backwards for their customers. Good luck make the proper choice and be happy longer. (36s)
The ML is a find dac but i think the Theta is more accurate.The sys will dictate which is best. In mine its the Theta. They have been great to me and have provided me with good service. I have a cj pfr pre mf2500amp snell C5 speakers. If at all possable use it in your sys before purchase. One more thing ive seen 5a as cheap as $1500.00 used. Its a steal at those prices.