Looking for a great XLR Digital cable

I'm currently using a Transparent Reference xlr digital cable. My DVD/CD player is an Ayre D-1x & my processor is the ML no.40. The Transparent isn't a bad cable however when listening to music I don't really like how the vocals sound ( they tend to have a hint of a digital sound to them). Last week I audition a ML 390S & although it sounded better than the Ayre with music it still had that same sound with the vocals. A friend of mine suggested that I try a couple of different cables. Is there a better XLR cablet than the Transparent. My speakers are Revel Salons & my amps are ML 436's... Thanks!
myoussif: yes, sorry, I forgot Transparent doesn't do the electronics on their digital cable. They probably tried but lost too many bits.
Thanks for all of the great responses. I have the Valhalla on the way to audition as well as the Concierto Grand & possibly the Purist Audio Dominus. I'll let you guys know how they worked out. If you have more suggestions keep them coming.