Phono preamp question

I have a low output cartridge, Lyra Helikon SE, paired with a low gain pre amp. While it makes beautiful music, sometimes I wish that I had more volume. At the present the volume needs to be at at least two thirds of the way up when listening to vinyl. And, I don't listen to music at what would be considered loud levels. To have similar levels on cds I have the volume control at half that level.

So, my question is, "Would a out board phono stage, such as the Rhea, that has more gain give me more sound level without having to crank the volume control 3/4s of the way up?"
What full linestage or phonostage are you using? What is the total gain of the linestage? and MM phono? and MC phono? Another option is to use a 10, 15, 20 times stepup transformer with the MM section. Which stepup multiplier to use depends on how much gain you have with line and MM.
Do you know what the phono section gain is? Check that spec with the Rhea and you will have an answer to the gain question. But if you are happy with the sound level you can obtain with your present gain stage why add a additional devise & IC's. There is absolutely nothing wrong with operating your preamp at 2/3d's output, in fact most volume controls sound better beyond 12o'clock. Increasing gain can have downsides, including the production of low level noise when you are using high efficiency speakers or amps with high sensitivity.
Rhea should suffice for Helikon SL if active pre is present after.
For SL version you'll need arround 75dB of a total gain.