Renting Cables???


Since I am new in this stereo system industry. I would like to know if there are places that rent cables so that I can try first which cables that go well with my system. In the photography industry, there are stores that rent equipments so that people can buy with confidence. Audio equipments are considerably more expensive than those of photography.
I agree with buying used on AudiogoN and reselling the ones that won't work out. That is what I do basically.
I have never met a dealer that would not let a customer audition cables before buying. Check out your local dealers, they can probably give you some compatability advice as well.
actually Bob Cohen at Cable Co's. fees are 10% for the first time, then 5% after that. You pay shipping both ways. They're an alright outfit & can provide reasonable suggestions, but they typically try to point you toward the cheapest alternatives first, which I found were not usually the optimum solution for me. Worthwhile though, & some of their suggestions turned out to be pretty good.
Regarding my above post re: The Cable Co.
That was my experience with them a few years ago.
They were indeed very helpful.
I guess their policy has changed.
Sorry for the misinformation.
Jdombrow & Banksfriend, The trouble with using ANY dealer is that they have a limited supply of cables and from limited manufacturers.

Dealers tend to get teary eyed when you try too many cables or decide that no cable they represent will work for you - at any price. I have a big heart and don't want to hurt the dealers feelings or waste their time....that's why I take it upon myself to buy & re-sell cables (if necessary) on Audiogon.

Even The Cable Company has a limited supply of cables to audition. 5%, 10% or whatever they charge... its still money out of your pocket - not to mention shipping BOTH WAYS. Any percent charge adds up... what if you try 10 cables... 20 cables... Then you've paid for the cables and you haven't even decided what ones you like!

Fact is, there really is NO better resource for cable auditioning than Audiogon.