How would you rate ???

I am in the market for a pair of speaker cable and I must say I am quite overwhelmed by the plethora of new cable technologies available.
Just for my interest, I'm taking a poll with the full knowledge that an audition of these cables would be mandatory.

Here goes the list (though not exhaustive):

Acoustic Zen Hologram II
Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 9
Harmonic Technology Pro-12
Shunyata Research Lyra
Zu Cable Ibis

* you are welcome to add to the list above.
You might add the Audience Au24 speaker cables to the list. Which more than likely would move right to the top of this list or most any list.

OK then....

Here goes the revised list (though not exhaustive):

Acoustic Zen Hologram II
Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 9
Audience AU 24
Harmonic Technology Pro-12
Shunyata Research Lyra
Zu Cable Ibis
Hang in there. This list will be twice as long as more of us (audiophools, that is) put our two cents in. Here's my two cents: Lat International. A 10 foot pair cost under $400-New. Don't hear about these babies, enough, on the 'gon. Truly amazing for the $$s and just plain old amazing by themselves. Call Lou over there and check em out. They have a moneyback 30 day guarentee. Whattaya got to lose? Break them in 24/7 and listen away. You'll be amazed. peace, warren