Audioquest is bright??

I've got some Audioquest Granite on demo and thought being pure copper it would not be bright - that's why I got it. It does sound clearer and I thought brighter because it is clearer.
What would you recommend that is less bright? Canare Star quad? Running M-F A3.2cr to B&W Nautilus 804.
I run B&W's 805 with an Arcam A32 and use Audioquest Granite (previously Slate) and the sound was quite bright until I upgraded my ICs from Nordost Blue heaven to Red Dawn. Now I have the right balance. I don't think AQ is especially bright, maybe you should look elsewhere in your system, as I did.
Another vote to allow more break in time. Some AQ Pythons I once purchased displayed a really obnoxious midrange at about 50 hours use which then disappated with extended use. Up to this experience, I was sceptical of break in claims.