Tuner recommendations

I have not used a tuner in years but recently I sold my pre-amp and the new one had not arrived yet so I borrowed a cheap pre-amp/tuner combo from a friend. I actually got to like having radio available.

I have thought about getting a Magnum Dynalab but I don't really know much about what is available. Anybody got a recommendation for a good tuner? I don't mind spending a few bucks for a good tuner.
Hope that you live in a metropolis , where there are radio stations WORTH listening to (programming & fidelity).
Here's a great site for tuners. Taught me a few things and I ended up with a classic.

hi forget a tuner for less then 200.00 dollards try a satellite radio you well like it.i had a good tuner and if i had a chance to trade my satellite radio for a 3,000 dollards tuner. i would not. i have a delphi xm skyfi satellite radio. and love it. good luck.
Before you go spending a lot on a tuner, may I strongly suggest you try a Creek T43!? I have used this little tuner on many a high end system, and it's gorgeous sounding! I wouldn't consider much anything else. It's really good, and only $450 used range. Good luck
If you like simple & easy, ignore MD. For that matter, I wouldn't spend much on a tuner unless you live near a high quality radio station that is worth the $$$ or if you live in the middle of nowhere and need a great tuner to pull in weak stations.
Why? Well, a couple of years ago I got a full tour of WQED in pittsburgh. This is our high quality classical station. I couln't believe the gear! two 300 disc sony single bit changers as the main source. They were upgrading to hard drives while I was there. All of their music was being compressed onto massive hard drives for ease of use and storage. This took them down to the same quality at satellite radio. Since then, most of the other stations in pittsburgh have gone to hard drives also.
What a bummer? I sold my MD101 and bought a cheaper denon with a remote. I gave up on high quality radio.......