P2 or P3


I am getting back into vynil and wondering what table would be a better way to go, the Rega P2 or P3? I know that stock the P3 is better, but would the P2 with a glass platter and heavyweight upgrade sound better than a P3 with heavywieght for less money?

I have read and much debate about about which arm is better teh 250 or 300.
Is the only other difference between these tables that platter?

Also what about cartridges? I am considering the Goldring 1042 and Shure V15. Any thoughts on these in regards to the Rega tables. I would look at the Grado's but they have the hum issue.

Any comments would be helpful.
My other equipment is:
Rega Planet 2000 CD player
Linn Pretek preamp with phono stage
Bryston 3B power amp
Paradigm Reference Studio 40's v.2

Thanks Stefanl

What about the motor upgrade available for the planer 2. Is it worth it sonically? Also how much is a stock used planer 2 worth? What about matt upgrade. Would you suggest a felt matt? Rubber? Other?

Also how much would a re-wire cost?

The motor upgrade has been said to be noticable but not that great a leap as an upgrade,I think it has more to do with pitch stability problems with the Planar 2 and 3 generally,which can be cured by a couple of lengths of electrical tape around the plastic hub the platter sits on and/or adding a power conditioner such as the one from Heed Audio.The Planar 2 might be $450-500 new and quite cheap privately or on ebay etc.-luck.The way to go is to play without a mat.i.e I have 15mm acrylic platter that I can use.Mats could be used for adjusting height(VTA)if necessary-play by ear.stefanl
Nickway, I have a really old Planar 3 that I fitted with the upgraded motor some months ago. It was easily worth the money to me. Better definition, more even tonal response. I think the motor upgrade for Planars is really high value.
Disclaimer: I sell rega (and glad I do!).

Since I happen to have a P2,P3, P25 and Heavyweight here!

I think the new P3 is a worthwhile upgrade over the P2. I've heard both using the same Bias cartridge and the P3 is markedly better. A substantial improvement can be made with the Expressimo heavyweight. It's definitely worth the investment + you can keep it as you upgrade within the Rega line. I did not swap the platters but I did feel that the P3 was still better than the P2 with heavyweight. I would just buy a P3 then later on add an heavyweight. The stock P3 sounds wonderful as it is.

I really like the Rega cartridges which are engineered to work with the Rega tables in their typical 'set and forget' mannor. They are pre-set for VTA on the Rega arms and their three bolt mount assures a good setup. The P3 with the Super Elys is a GREAT package.
I'd get the P3 (as a Planar 3 owner). For cartridges I used to use a Rega super bias, but I found a used Linn K9, which sounds better to me. The K9 was not a particularly highly regarded cartridge in its day which makes me suspect that the Rega cartridges are nothing special.

Many rega P3 owners in the UK rave about Denon DL110 or DL160 cartridges, which are relatively inexpensive. Goldrings get good press, but a friend tried one and found it a bit thin and bright, with emphasis on the surface noise.