Vinyl, should I take the plunge?

I've assembled my dream system over the last 10 years, a nice mark levinson system with b&w n802 speakers. I've been contemplating the next step, vinyl, sacd, dvd audio. I've heard good vinyl and know how good it is, but have lingering questions...

1) What are some web sites that sell vinyl. I'd really like to see what I can buy. New releases? My old classics? I need to really see what's available and what peoples opinions are for the future. I tend to classic rock, jazz, blues, classical, and some new age music.

2) I have a 15 month old and am planning at least one more. Am I nuts for even considering vinyl (wife speaking)? I haven't had many problems so far, but my little guy just started walking a month ago. Have others successfully raised kids w/o major repairs to their vinyl or dream audio system? Or do I just need to accept that some bad things are bound to happen and start saving :( ?

I'm not convinced sacd/dvd audio are all that they are cracked up to be. Both from software that is available (limited) and the fact that so much of the software available is a crap shoot depending on how it was mixed/sampled. Comments for those w/ sacd?

Thanks in advance...

I like the fact that I can go to my local music store and buy used vinyl for $3 each. I have bought many great albums this way. Just my 2 cents..
I have to concur with the last poster. Starting from scratch and with kids around (unless you have a dedicated room with a lock)you will need to expend a good amount of money and time to make it work for you. Only you can decide, but I would give SACD a good listen before dismissing it. The results you get with any format depends more on the individual recording than on the format itself; great sounds can be gotten with any of them.
Getting into Vinyl isn't that expensive, unless you want it to be. You obviously don't mind spending some $$$ on audio, but you could start out into vinyl with a used Thorens or Rega or a Well Tempered (a bit more but you may never need to upgrade), with an arm and decent cartridge for $500-1000. Lots of choices in phono preamps - that's where you may crack the $1000 mark, but you don't have to. I would also recommend getting one of the disk cleaning products (I like Disk Doctor).

Records are a joy, but they can be obsessive (what can't?). They can also bring you back to the joy of the music as opposed to the acquisition of equipment. Isn't that what it's all about anyway?

Definitely go vinyl.
I have pretty decent playback for CD, SACD, and vinyl.
Though listening to CD and SACD is satisfying, it doesn't hold a candle to vinyl.
CD is definitely more convenient, but doesn't offer the wonderfully natural sound of vinyl.
You don't have to spend a lot to have analog playback that will better your digital. An entry level Rega turntable, or even an old Thorens in decent shape (both used), with an inexpensive Grado cartridge, will tell you whether you want to go higher. Good luck with it.
(Thanks for all the sites, Albert.)
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