Found Monster cables inside my Watt Puppy 5.1's

I finally got around to repairing all four blown woofers in my Wilson 5.1's (I still can't figure out how I could have blown them. Could using them with a 40 Watt integrated Proton amp and having the power accidentally turned on with the volume way up cause that?). As I took out the original woofers, I was shocked to see that one of the wires connected to the speaker was yellow and had "Monster Cable" written on it. I couldn't believe it. First, I thought Monster Cable was considered only for mid-fi products and Second, I thought Wilson only used Transparent cabling (it does for the Puppy Tail anyway). Weird.

This has been a topic before. But the last time, there were some other more generic type of cable inside the Wilsons. It in not necessarily and indictment of the speaker or designer, because they could have been voiced with those cables, and may sound best with them. But, somehow I doubt it. This just seems to be a place where Wilson doesn't seem too anxious to put much money. Maybe he is a "wire is wire" type of guy.
I've seen yellow Monster cabling inside of more than a few amps. It is probably a cable that they market to OEM's ( Original Equipment Manufacturer's ) and is sold at a discount price in bulk. As Twl mentions, the speakers were probably voiced with that cabling and changing the cabling will alter the sound ( for better or worse or maybe just "different" ). Sean
Like you I thought Wilson only used Transparent cables. But a more important question is how do they sound? If you like the sound of your 5.1 then it really doesn't matter what cable they use. Hopefully you don't fell worst about the speakers because they have a Monster Cable in them.
Actually, I ended up buying a pair of Watt Puppy 6's. The lack of bass was just too much for me to live without. Especially since I blew the woofers, I decided it was better to upgrade. However, now I'm running into some trouble with the repair. I took out the old woofers, soldered the replacements and screwed them back in. But the sound from those speakers is all wrong. There is absolutley no bass at all now?

On top of that, I can't get the speakers off now. With the blown pair, I just reached in and grabbed through the holes in the soft section that separated from the speaker. But now i have no way to grab them, and even turning the speaker on its face, I can't get it to separate. Any suggestions on how to get it off so I can take a look at what happened?

I know, I know, I should have had a professional do this, but I bought these on consignment, and the shop where I bought them went under. I figured replacing woofers would be no big deal. I must have guessed wrong. :>
