How to reduce the friction in the bearing

I have an Oracle Delphi Mark II turntable. Brand new. Just setting it up. The bearing is too tight. Ran the platter for a couple of days using a stronger motor to wear it in. Worked to some extent, but not enough.
Should I let the turntable run for say a couple of hundred hours to burn in?
Anything else I can do. I have not tried sandpaper, it seems a little on the desperate side.
Appreciate your help.

If your 'table has been sitting around that long then you may want to spend the $150 and buy Oracle's maintenance kit they sell. You can order this from your Oracle retailer or from Oracle's website. Included in the kit is a medical syringle pre-loaded with oil that must be put into the bearing well before the platter is installed.

If you would prefer not to go that route you can carefully add some bearing oil into the 'table, many folks use 3-in-1 oil for this purpose. It'll take about 5cc's to fill up.

Good luck, Jeff
I think these questions should be directed to Oracle. They no best what to do for your problem. Do not use sandpaper on your bearing that will be sure to involve expensive repairs. As I recall, their should be a small container of oil that you can use for lubrication, pull the platter and add a few drops, then reintall the platter. If you don't have the oil, contact Oracle!
The Delphi II only required light machine oil. I read that in the Maintenance kits they started to recommend more oil (1-2cc)

Try taking the platter off and place upside down on a pizza box with a hole in the centre. Undo the screws that hold the bearing housing and remove. Clean the bearing housing with alcohol and wipe the platter bearing with alcohol.

Apply some light machine oil to the platter bearing and spindle and fit the bearing housing onto the upside down platter spindle. Give it a spin. If the bearing housing spins freely then voila...problem solved.

Let me know what happens. You can email me directly for more info.
The issue of bearings has come up on other threads. Perhaps letting your Oracle lie dormant for so long has changed something (oxidation, etc.). It was suggested elsewhere and I suggest it here: clean both the shaft and the bearing well thoroughly, using a touch of alcohol (I use isopropyl) as well, and let dry. Use a good metal polish on the shaft, rubbing lightly (don't want to actually cause wear) until it shines brilliantly, and clean off thoroughly. Then use a lighter oil such as sewing machine oil first attempt to see how this works, then moving up to something better, cleaning the shaft and bearing well each time and try again. I hear elsewhere that oil for guns/rifles is an excellent quality oil in this application, and I'll be heading out to try this. There's also something called "Pronatur".
I agree with most of the above. First call Oracle to see what they recommend, and follow what they say, if they say anything. If they say you are on your own, then remove the platter and spindle, and clean spindle and bearing thoroughly, as suggested above by others. Get the proper oil in the proper amount from Oracle and put it in the bearing, and then replace the spindle and platter.

From what you have described, I see that this problem existed in the early stages of ownership and burned out the original motor. I don't know exactly why this is happening, but you must cure it or the table is useless. If the bearing or spindle is defective, then it must be replaced from Oracle, whether there is a charge for it or not.