Which sub $1k phono stage to go?

Right now I am in the market of a sub $1k phonoe stage, and I need some advice. My setup is VPI MK IV, Rega RB300, and Benz Micro Glider. The rest of the system is YBA integre Delta DT and Atlantis Seolane, harmonic teck wires all through. I am using Musical Fidelity X-LP (the older can model), and I feel it is the bottle neck in the whole system. It lacks the resolution and details, and bass is not satisfying either. While I can't audit all the phono preamps out there in the market, so I am wondering if you can point me to the right direction on what phono stage I should audit, and also if there is anything I need to do to improve the rest of the system. Thanks a lot for your time.

This may not be for you, but I've built one of the Nelson Pass/PassDIY Pearl phono stages. You can find techincal details at www.passdiy.com.

For about $250 in parts and a case, I've got an excellent phono stage with low noise and fabulous dynamics. If, howeve, you're not comfortable with a soldering iron and less-than-detailed instructions, this may not be your best approach.

I'm *really* impressed, however, with the results.


I have a MF XLPS can also and just bought a used Acoustech PH1P for 1000$ and could not be happier,what a difference albums I could not listen to before sound good now and ones that were good sound great now
I have the ASL mini phono and it sounds smooth and natural music with Mullard 12AX7 tubes. The bass is not punchy and fast as SS phono stage but the mid and high have more details. I owned EAR 834P, Sonic Frontiers SP-1, and various SS broadcasting phono stages and the ASL has the most natural musical sound. For less than $200 used, the ASL is music to my ears. The suspension of the phono stage is critical, it can really improve the sound . Please provide any modification if you awared of.