MIT Love 'em or Hate 'em

Has anyone else noticed that audio stores that carry MIT think there is no better cable type and stores that don't carry MIT all think they are terrible. Is this sour grapes or is something else going on here?
Unsound: As i stated, i have no "real" experience using MIT's in any of my systems. As to the reviewer in question, it was J. Peter Moncrieff of IAR. Sean
Sean, thanks for the reply. I meant any future experience with MIT. Now if I can only get you to reveal your secret bargain preamp.
Uncle, you are entitled to your perception and your comments and your preconceived ideas about how things oughta be, after all, everyone is. And as to what is in the boxes, it really doesn't matter, only the music does and that is the REAL point.

You wouldn't be the first to have your views overturned by default when you use your ears instead of your logic, it does happen in this hobby, believe it or not.
If I, infact could not read, in the case of unclecrusty's loony rantings,I think it might be a plus. If you want to believe that my equiptment sounds like "crap", I suggest that you are just going further off into you own perverse fantasy world. By attacking my system you reinforce what I said before about you sounding foolish. My system is listed for you viewing unclecrusty. It's comprised of components by some of the world's most respected desingers, since I had nothing to do with their production, you are only insulting the people that make them.

I have not listened to every cable out there and you will not find me raving like a mad man about how XYZ cable is wrong based on some stupid theory. If you want theory over sound there are plenty of ways you can get that by buying equiptment from tin eared audio gurus who think like you do. They are incapable of any real world judgment as to how something performs because they wouldn't know good sound if it bit them on the ass, or don't care, as long as they follow some design manifesto and slap it on the bench to perform some useless test and come up with usless numbers to reinforce their usless theory. Listening is the only valid final measure of the performance of an audio product, period! I know how to read, and you don't know how to listen!
Tubegroover - agreed. I've never said anything about how people should or shouldn't enjoy themselves. I've merely argued about a philosophy. Believe me - I can understand absolutely how a filter set can make a HUGE difference in a setup that wouldn't have otherwise been optimal - essentially "matching the unmatchable" - in those cases filters may make sense - stitching together disparate parts into a recognizeable whole.

But, IMHO, system matching is the first and most important step to building a stellar hi fi, and the match between amplifier and speaker probably the most critical (aside from matching the speaker to the room and vice versa) - I believe that if an amplifier and speaker are well matched, no hocus pocus box could possibly make them better than they would be with high definition boxless audio cables.