MIT Love 'em or Hate 'em

Has anyone else noticed that audio stores that carry MIT think there is no better cable type and stores that don't carry MIT all think they are terrible. Is this sour grapes or is something else going on here?
Let me get this straight. MIT and Tranparent are identical in sound since they both have networks on them, no matter what else is different in the design. Hum? O.K., using "krusty" logic, we now know that all mult-strand, multi-guage,copper litz(Nirvana S-L),speaker wires and IC's sound identical. Gee this is easy! Now let me think about this? I must have some multi-strand, multi-guage, copper litz wires around here somewhere? Oh, yea, MIT 330(pre network). So, now I know that Nirvana S-L, sounds identical to MIT 330. Gee,gosh,golly unclekrusty thanks for teaching me everything you know about HiFI. So now I know all silver wires sound the same, all solid core wires sound the same, all flat section wires sound the same. Just as long as there ain't no "box" on it to frighten the weak and the silly. This is much simpler than actually listening to cables to find out what they sound like.

Now that the stupid fairy tale is over! I said it in my first post, the people that make the most noise about MIT never put them in their system and lsitened.(one digital cable hardly can be a proper representation of a whole line of cables)
I never made any claim about the sound. I stated for the record that I use them. I don't make claims about the sound of audio gear I have never heard. I don't make claims about the sound of cables I have never heard. I do like to pick fights with idiots who do!
Maxgain - MIT and Transparent are the same. The Sumner's stole fire from the the MIT demigods.

As for litz wire - it's good stuff, inexpensive on the used market, and it doesn't pretend to fix imaginary gremlins with "power factor correction" and "transmission line compensation" or whatever gobbledegook you repeated on this thread.
Unclekrusty, you wouldn't be AKA 'Krusty The Clown' from TV's beloved The Simpsons, now would you? I'm tuning out most everything here beyond a certain point, save for the grin from Audiogon's beloved uncle Detlof... :-)
Zaike, you've got it, begosh. Are you with the CIA? It's him, all of him, including his muleheadedness and his rash temper. Ha!! Always thought, he couldn't be quite real, although I liked what he said about the CAT and the Defy 7, but then, as you so wisely point out, I belong to the same family of uncles. Why? The Brits used to have a saying that went: "Bob's your uncle", which was a polite way of suggesting that you're talking bullshit. We're one big familiy, obviously, only some know it and some not.(-;
To qualify the point that Krusty the Clown is possibly uncle squared, so to speak, comes from the fact, that Bruce Brisson (MIT) and Karen Sumner, who marketed the MIT stuff for him, split up in the eighties, if I recall right. It was then, that she started Transparent. Since then Bruce hasn't been asleep, nor have the folks at Transparent. Yes they have boxes, both, but they certainly are not alike and they don't sound alike. So I am quietly pondering for myself, as I am sawing one of the $12000 MIT boxes open, to see if there's gold inside, if one of Clown Krusty's uncles might not be named BOB.