Which Wadia?

Wadia 6, 8, 850, 860, 16+25, 20+26 or 20+25 ?

Please help.
Which one should I buy?

1995 Wadia 20 + 1997 Wadia 27 at the price of $5,400 OR

1998 Wadia 850 with input card at the price of $3,400.

I think the 20+27 should sounds better, however the 20 is a bit old. Which is better value for money?
Just sold a #20, was not using the #27 DAC but a Timbre with great success. A friend of mine bought an 850 and brought it over to the house, was immediatly impressed so much I ended up buying one and am now using it straight into my amp (no preamp), I love it. My advise, buy the best and most current model you can afford and enjoy.......Bob
What about the Wadia 3301 CD Player? Please see the Wadia web site below:


go for the 850, definitely.

But if you're ready to put $5000, got for a 860/1
