What's the deal with palladium??

I've noticed an increasing number of manufacturers claiming the use of palladium in their cables. I know that corrosion and oxidation are virtually nonexistent with palladium, but what are the sonic characteristics? Is it even a good conductor? Always assumed the silver, copper, and gold hierarchy was accurate...
Without actually knowing, I would guess that it is used to convince potential buyers of the value of their cables, by using some rare and expensive metals. Whether it actually improves the sound may be less important(to the Mfr.) than the psychological marketing aspect of being more exotic than the other competing brands.
Agree with TWL. If professional RF conductors don't use it I doubt that audio needs it. Pro RF is all silver plated, or gold plated. Have you heard my new plutonium interconnects ?

I got this off a web site for the periodic table :

"Palladium compounds are encountered relatively rarely by most people. All palladium compounds should be regarded as highly toxic and as carcinogenic. However palladium chloride was formerly prescribed as a treatment for tuberculosis at the rate of 0.065 g per day (approximately 1 mg kgÑÚ) without too many bad side effects."