Directionality for Alphacore Goertz MI 2 cable?

I am in the process of auditioning a pair of Alphacore Goertz MI(2) Veracity speaker cable. From what I have read these do not require much burn-in time, but the highs are sounding awfully bright and grainy. I've got Paradigm Studio Reference 20 v.2 monitors which have a metal tweeter (bright). But I can't believe the Alphacore cable could be quite this bad. There are no directional markings on the cables, no arrows that is. One end of each cable is labeled with the Alphacore name--is this to be considered the amp end or the speaker end? There was no instruction sheet and the packaging does not mention directionality. Can anyone advise?
There is no directionality on this speaker cable. I'm not sure what may be causing the bright, grainy highs you say you are experiencing, but it's possible that there may be an impedance imbalance resulting from an amp/cable/speaker mismatch. The Goertz speaker cables have very low impedance -- the MI2 has an impedance of about 2.4 ohms. I am currently using MI2 cables in my system and have been very pleased with them, so I hope one of our Audiogon guys with an electronics background can help.
Hi Salby,

Goertz offers free parts for a Zoble upon request, due to the low impedence and very high capacitance Goertz cables can cause a multiplicity of problems with some amps. Zobles should clear all that up, if this is your problem. Goertz are actually one of the more neutral cables out there, so if you are hearing it, it likely is there to be heard. I know some cables are very dark and actually act like a sponge, soaking up the sound so to speak...

Best Regards,

Salby, I am using those cables between classe and Thiel 3.6's - I am getting no brightness at all, in fact until recently I was using all silver interconnects and still no brightness. My experience with these cables is the most neutral sound I've had in my system, with a very slight bloom and smooth highs. No burn-in required and no directionality. Could they be exposing something upstream?