Lencoclean - Supertonic

I’m thinking of possibly getting back into vinyl but before I do, I need to find out if anyone out there has at one time used a product called Lencoclean Supertonic. This product is a liquid that is administered by a second tone arm that one attaches to your turntable. The fluid coats the record prior to the stylus. This product that I purchased in the 70’s works fantastic by masking back round noise, pops and ticks. Believe it or not, after doing some Internet searches, this product is still being used and is available in Europe.

The downside is that once you use this product on an LP, you must always us it or the result is terrible surface noise.

Even though I have a few extra bottles of this stuff, I don’t wish to use it on a new table or cartridge. I’ve got 100’s of LP’s that have been treated and would like to know if anyone has used this product and has had any luck in removing it with a conventional record cleaning devices such as VPI, Nitty Gritty or by any other method?
May I also to mention, to answer your question, I have had sucess by cleaning those records in later years by using my VPI 16.5 with an alcohol based cleaner first, then follwed by RRL rinse. :)

Thank you for your response. It's exactly what I wanted to hear. Just had to make sure that before I make that investment I can salvage my collection by cleaning all those treated LP's.


Just a suggestion: before making the investment why not find someone with a modern RCM and have them clean and play a few of those abused LP's. That way you'd know for sure whether YOUR LP's are salvageable.

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