What is the fastest clamp?

I recently got back into vinyl and part of my venture was getting a clamp for the turntable. I bought a KAB rubber clamp and it works fine. My only problem with it is that it is semi-cumbersome to install and remove. It is basically a rubber piece that is pushed on and pulled off. Sometimes the pushing or pulling has me physical moving the turntable around. It is sort of messy. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced clamp that is easier to put on and take off or are all clamps like this?
The J.A. Michell collet clamp is both easy and secure. You can purchase it at many audiophile type web sites. I have one and am very pleased with its performance. You install with a clock wise twisting motion and remove with a counter clock wise motion. It is not threaded, just works better this way. It is also universal!
The clamp I currently use is rather cumbersome. Maybe "fast" isn't the right term; maybe it should be "convenient." I am sort of leaning towards the Thorens Stabilizer.
It is exacctly right...

Would you rather eat at some fast food drive through ---or perhaps a nice sit down place where you can relish in the savory faire.

For me I will abide by the latter. ('course we are all different.)

I just had to chuckle real hard at Rcrump's -- "Ya want it fast or ya want it good"

I could comment on the sexual aspects of the above, but I feel this forum is best left without that.

OH by the way, make my rare-- very rare and unique!

Happy Listening ---
