I'm Getting Unbalanced About Balanced

It was my understanding that having XLR/Balanced cabling was the ultimate goal for any high end system for all the reasons we've read about. But now I'm told that even though some equipment "accepts" Balanced they aren't necessarily "truly balanced". Therefore negating the benefits...How would I determine this? And if I add high end RCA cabling to my system am I wasting my money?
Some times using balanced cables in a system that isn't truly balanced can be benefitial (very long runs and/or in nasty environments). Other times the conversion from single to balanced and/or visa-versa just adds another stage of potential compromise. Theorticaly the best situation should be a complete truly balanced system. How critical this is, is dabateble.
Dr. Diamond the Sony SCD-1 isn't truly balanced output Sony took the cheap route and simply added a op amp to achieve a balanced signal.
Thanks for the input and info. I have Levinson 23 amps and Levinson 26 pre going to Martin Logan Monolith III's w/active x-over. Played off a Linn.Using Levinson ic's now.
Hi Mejames, there is really no such thing as a "truly balanced" output from a digital player. There is only one signal per channel stored on the disc, so every player that has a balanced output has to create the inverted signal to achieve a balanced output.

Some players do this in the digital domain and then have separate dacs for the inverted and non inverted signals. Some do it in the analog domain using op-amps or some other analog inverter.

I also agree with Unsound and question the statement in the original post that balanced is the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is good sound. I don't think balanced operation is a prerequisite to get it.