Turntable newbie in need for newbie help

OK, here is how it all started :
I did buy a few LPs of a particular band (CDs badly remastered).
But I don't have anything to play them, and was wondering how to make a choice.
I will not buy new, for shure...

I don't want something grrrrreat! I just want somethig that's going to keep up with the rest of my setup (wich might not be fabulous but really satisfies me).

I use an AMC integrated (pre)amp with Energy (XL16) speakers.

I saw some Marantz 6150 on ebay, seemed nice (I like that simple old school class), but could'nt tell if it's right (by itself or for my setup).

Please excuse my english that might not be perfect -- I hope you guys can help me out a little.
The marantz is an ok table but most have some problems. From what I've seen, older marantz tables have trouble keeping speed consistent due either to a bad control or motor-not worth fixing.
If you are new at this sport, stick with a little simpler/newer. How about a Dual? Very Simple.
Keep in mind that replacement needles can cost more than many of the old cartridges are worth. So, don't let the cartridge make or break a deal. A newer Ortofon OM5 for $75 will sound better than many 20 year old cartrdges that are beat up.
Go to www.needledoctor.com to check out something like a music hall to give you an idea of what is out there.
You may want to give some of the newer models now available at very reasonable prices a look and a listen. Project has many models with their base models at a very attractive price. A number of other manufacturers sensing the renewed interest for vinyl playback are coming out with reasonably priced models, these may or may not be available in the Canadian market though. What you may want to do is look at what is offered here on Audiogon in the used section at the price point you are contemplating. I would be on the lookout for an Acoustic-Research table in good shape. While the manufacturer no longer makes these or supplies parts, the belts and motors are easy enough to find and these tables still sound better than a lot more expensive units. You have to remember that replacement parts may be impossible to find though for most if not all of the older tables. Another important point to think of is how much of your listening you contemplate doing with a vinyl front-end. If it is only to test the waters, you could start out with almost any decent turntable. However, don’t expect a lot of magic with an inexpensive table/arm/cart combination. Good luck.
Good information, thank you very much!

I will have a closer look at all this, but I'll have to get to know the brands and parts a little more before I go any further (did not even figure out what exactly is the difrence between a stylus a cartridge and a needle...).

If you would have a good reference to give me -- an FAQ or lixic of some sort -- to help me out in knowing a little more, I would appreciate.

Thanks again.