What are output barrier strips?

Can someone please explain how to hook up speaker cable to output barrier strips? I am only familiar with 5 way binding posts. I have unterminated speaker wire and want to make sure I can successfully connect it.
The old McIntoshes are a real pain for big speaker cable. I fashioned up some small spades - banana connectors which worked ok. I ended up just using the pins on my MIT T2 biwires for a more direct connection. With unterminated 4TC you shouldn't have any problem although you may find Edesilva's advice worthwhile.
speaking of barrier strips I need some quality made 10-terminal strips made of quality material (or at least gold plated) does anyone have a source suggestion?
I guess they'd all have to be made of a steel base metal, or the screws would strip right away if made from a soft metal & then tightened very much.
I started wondering about the 5 way binding posts you can buy for home built projects. Usually, there is a shaft that goes through the chassis with a bolt that goes on to secure the whole shebang to the unit. I've seen bad ones with really large diameter shafts, but I believe there are ones with narrower shafts as well. I started wondering, if you got really, really, lucky whether you might be able to screw a 5 way binding post into a barrier strip if you removed one of the screws? Has some relevance for me b/c my Quicksilvers are relatively incompatible with the kimber spades I have--I ended up creating a screw in extender anyway to accommmodate the fact that even the "narrow" spades were wider than the gap in the barrier strip...

Bob-you might try autosound specialty shops. I think I've seen gold plated barrier strips for such uses. I think the "turn your car into a rolling boombox crowd" tends to buy goldplated everything. (Tried to post something last night but it never showed up; must have hit the wrong button or something.)
I have used the cheapo Solen 5-way posts (plastic caps) that screw in place of the barrier strip screws. They are metric but will fit 8-32 strips. Works...