What Harmonic tech cables should I used for CD

Is the magic digital one the best option or should I go for
Magic link IC? I dont used separates just an AVR receiver and a DVD player for all applications. I know that for DVD-audio the best way to go is RCA IC for the pre-outs. But for CD dont know if RCA analog cable is a good option or if I should go with digital transfer like the Magic Digital One. Is Magic digital one a good cable for home thater aplications too(dts Dolby Digital)? I now have pro-9 speaker cable to conect a Vienna acoustics Mozarts speakers from Denon gear. If someone Knows this products can help? Thanks.
I agree with Subaruguru that the VD's are probably shelving the top octave or so. They are pretty revealing other than that. I am unhappy with the top end I'm getting from them. However, on my buddy's system they didn't shelve the top octave at all it seems. He has the Arcam FMJ23t CDP which is more revealing than my MF A3 CD. It has been said that the MF also rolls off the top end itself. Still what I am saying is that the particular 1.5m Truthlink cable sounded grainy to both me and my friend on both our systems. The fact that my VD's sounded better on his system than mine just goes to show how these things are system dependent. I am interested in running about a 3 or 4m set of quality silver IC's balanced between my pre and my amp in the future in an effort to regain this lost octave and keep some of the other detail and niceness the VD's do bring to the mix. I am not saying the HT's were bad, just how they sounded in the two systems I'm familiar with in comparison to a couple of other cables I'm familiar with. Use this info at you own discretion. On the whole I prefer a clean and very open high end verging on being bright. If that is what the HT's were doing then I would have certainly prefered them over the VD's. The HT's simply sounded smeared in comparison.
If you want a cable verging on bright the pro silways may be the ticket for you. They are a combination of copper for the mids and low and silvers for the top end air and sparkle. There was a lot to like about them between tha amp and pre, except for the price for a 20 ft pair. and i still use them on the analog componants (tuner and TT) with your cdp they may not have the glare problem they had with mine. One word of warning, you will not regain a lost octave by using a cable between your amp and pre when the information in that octave was lost on it's travels between the source and pre...you need to fix that problem where it starts.
I have been considering the Pro Silway III's. I understand what you are saying about the source having the best cable first. I have heard too many reports that using a silver cable between the pre and the amp is supposed to provide a magic all it's own that I am wanting to try. Besides which I need a longer run in any case as I want to reposition my gear. The audio sickness will force me to recover every iota of sound from my system sooner or later. Thanks.