Speaker Cable directionality: reversable??

I bought a demo pair of XLO ultra 6 cables which have directional arrows on the ends of them. The specifics of my equipment requires that I would either have to re-terminate them (to take the spades off the amp end) or else hook them up in reverse of the labelled arrows.
Is there any reason why the cable direction matters, or would reversing them just mean I would have to "break-in" the cables again.
Please help me out; I don't want to undermine the quality I paid good money for!

Much thanks for any advice!!
This is a question that has been discussed numerous times on this forum. The answer is yes and no depending who's talking. Since an AC signal is present and electrical energy goes back and forth, you wouldn't think that it would make any difference. There are a few valid engineering
reasons why it is directional depending on the composite of the wire. However, how it effects the sound and to what extent is best found by trying it. I doubt in a blind listening test you would be able to tell the diffrence.
It depends on the design of the cable. You would have to break-in the cables for awhile in the opposite direction. Lots of theories about directionality but does it really matter?