XLO Signature Shotgun cables work extremely well in my own tube/horn system.
Just curious, what did you like about the Audience au24?
Just curious, what did you like about the Audience au24?
Cable Suggestions for my system?
I suggest strongly you try to arrange a demo on Jena Labs cables, symphony or above may be exactly what you are looking for sonically. I have had great luck with them and countless others experiences have been a mirror image of mine. I've had a fair amount of cables in my room(most of what you've listed) and have reached a point where I feel no need to keep looking- everything is the way it should be. No product is perfect for everyone in particular in this hobby but I can't imagine these cables doing a poor job in any system. |
I've been a proponent of copper cables for years until I heard the Luminous Audio Silver Reference, which totally changes my perspective on silver cables. Here's a link to the review a did a few months ago on the Silver Refs. for a more detailed assessment. Good luck with your search. |
May be hard to beat the Silversmiths, but another cable to put on your list is the HMS Gran Finale. They replaced silver cables in my (solid state) system and actually gave more detail, but in a distinctly musical way, without any grain, etch, or excessive top-end bite. I've used some pretty expensive speaker cables, but haven't tried some of the super expensive ICs you're considering...Most recently, I've used AZ Silver Ref, Jena Symphony, Nordost QF and Luminous Synch. Ref (a great buy!)for ICs, and Wireworld Silver Eclipse III speaker cables, and found the HMS far superior to any of them IMS. See the HMS review at 6moons....he also uses Duos with tubes. Good luck. |