New system too bright.Will different cables help ?

I recently sold my 10 year old NAD system and upgraded to: Myryad Z140 integrated amp, CEC 3300 CD player, Castle Richmond bookshelf speakers, DH Labs T14/BL1 cables.
I liked the Castle speakers in combination with the NAD stuff, but now the sound is overly bright, I miss musical warmth. The NAD 502 CDP (1bit) connected to the Myryad amp sounded great. After selling it I first tried the Myryad Z110 CD player (matches the Z140), which sounded extremely harsh too me, even after some burn-in time. I returned it and then got the CEC, which in comparison sounded ok.
The resolution and detail of this system is certainly much better.
... But the sweetness and musicality is gone.
My question: Will different interconnects, dedicated power cables/conditioning do the trick, or do I need bigger speakers/subwoofer, tubes, external DAC or even a different amp ?
Thank you all. I think I am gonna start with replacing the power cables/wall outlet (thanks psychicanimal). It makes sense to me to start from the source of the signal. It will be interesting to see how much the sound of music can be shaped by minor changes like that. I'll keep you informed.
I just got the Blue Circle BC-86 MKIII (Noisehound). It made a subtle difference. The extreme brightness (digital glare) is gone, and also bass performance has improved. It didn't solve everything, but it helped.
After connecting the CD player to a simple ONEAC transformer, the sound improved a lot, less glare, more bass foundation. Great device, and the most inexpensive addition to my system. Power chords helped too, but the biggest improvement was the ONEAC. Thanks for the advice.