Has anyone used electronic pocket scales for VTF?

I use pocket scale from http://www.saveonscales.com/pocket.html to set stylus tracking force sucessfully. These scales have 0.1 gram increments which should be good enough for VTF.
I have the Audio One from Audioparts Inc that auctions here on AudiogoN, I have found it to be the easiest of all to use. It is more money that the stock digital scales, but it is much easier to use since it is never necessary to reset the VTA of my tonearm in order to get an accurate reading. The inexpensive digital scales are just to thick to make the process simple and the A1 solves this problem beautifully.
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Chris Brady used an electronic jewelry scale with a layover bar to adjust VTF on my arm. The scale had 0.01g incremental gradations and was probably similar to that described above by Elizabeth.

I was very impressed and bought a similar unit, although slightly larger, for $50 with the same sensitivity and tare capability. I couldn't find the model that Chris had gotten for $30.00.

Thanks for all of the responds. I bought the 120 Z model. I tried the scale at different heights by placing it on and off the platter and still got the same weight reading. The VTF should be the same at about +,- 2 inch from the platter height because the scale didn't detect any difference in 0.1 gram sensitivity. You can try different heights to see if the scale detects different weights. This scale design is insensitive to the the height. The shure VTF gage is sensitive to different heights due to its pivot supported and counterweight balanced. The penny weights is a good way to check the scale.