Interesting sloppy experiment: wanted to install my Aleph P
inside my rack, drilling access holes appropriate for height cun Neuance, so robbed the Neuance from my emc-1 mkII
and slid it under the pre. Installed a Harm Tech AC ProII PC on the emc at the same time. Net result seems a bit rougher up top. Seems the loss of the Neuance is more important than the addition of a custom power cord.
Of course I'll know better after the second Neuance arrives (hurry up, Ken! ;o) and I can perform a proper trial of the two PCs. Ken's now making Alphas rated up to 35 lbs; Betas up to 65.
My comments re the rollerblocks are just repeated hearsay (as you might gather); those of the Neuance are empirical...
what a nice product, eh? Ern