After Market Power Cables - Gold or Snake Oil?

Myself and a collegue of mine have been discussing the potential benefit(s) of using after market power cables with hifi equipment. I claim that since the majority of home owners gain their power from the everyday wall socket, how does the addition of a short length of 'expensive' cabling make any appreciable difference to the sound quality. Are we kidding ourselves and buying into marketing hype or is there some scientific truth to the matter? I am a musician/recordist who understands the fundamentals of electricity and sound reproduction.
Swklein, at the risk of sounding contrary, scientists do know how aspirin works. A simplified explanation can be found here Also, no one has ever proven that bumblebees can't fly. That notion is an urban myth and its origins are touched on here:

Nonetheless, these analogies do have validity here. For example, any scientist worth his salt would observe *bumblebees* in flight and willingly argue that they CAN fly! The key is in observation of the phenomena. Whether it matches their original expectation or not should be a moot point. The same method can be applied to cables.(Note the emphasis on the pluralized versions of the subjects: one example does not make a case either for or against.)

Like most good scientists I hypothesised, then experimented and observed the results. Given that my understanding of electricity, similar to Checkmate110's, is pretty basic this test was undertaken with mild pessimism. My knowledge at the time was that, given Checkmate110's similar assumption that the wiring in the wall was equal to the cord's, upgraded power cords would not make a difference in how the system sounded. The results surprised me by proving this belief wrong. The outcome was further tested against multiple listeners with similar results. It has since been proven to be the case at multiple residences (hence completely different wiring installations). In all instances the aftermarket power cords were better than the stock ones.

Why were they better? Well, having had my original assumption disproven, I did look for basic substantiation. The aftermarket cords in my system are made with larger gauge (originally considered) and higher purity wire, use better connectors and insulating materials, are better shielded and are made with a different construction method and design. Lacking an o'scope I can't comment on their electrical properties per se, though a VOM does show them to have different resistance. In the end, the biggest reason I know they're different is because I, and others, observed their effect first hand.

Along that line, but back to the bugs again, the "proof" that bumblebees can't fly came from a physicist who initially used equations for fixed-wing craft. The product of these computations was erroneous because unlike an airplane bumblebees have moving, flexible wings. Like this scientist, my knowledge was just deep enough to allow me to make the wrong assumption initially. My believe in observation was the saving grace as it allowed me to accept the outcome even though it differed from my original premise.

Slightly off topic, but still relevant, please be aware that I am not prone toward exaggerating a product's effect on my system's overall sound. Seeing words and phrases like "transformed" and "night and day difference" used to describe a product usually leads me to believe the writer is either lacking in vocabulary or experience, overly imbued with enthusiasm, has a vested interest in promoting the product or some combination of the above. Why? Because I have not yet had an experience that warrants such a pronouncement. The best I've mustered so far is "significant" and "worthwhile investment."

That said, and to make a long story short, all of my cables, power cords included, are of the aftermarket variety. I do still question the validity of laying down "huge sums" (a quite relative phrase) for cables, but won't naysay them as I have not personally tried one I consider "outrageously expensive."

FWIW, my power cords retailed for ~$300 each. I bought them here for ~50% of that price. If you still question whether they can make a difference my suggestion would be to buy one of Subaruguru's DIY kits for $32 and give it a try. No better proof than that of the first hand variety!
I am a Building Inspector and my primary responsibility is the complete inspection of new housing. How and why PC’s work baffles me. I have asked a lot of experts and the best answer I receive is “resistance vs. load“. Another way to look at the subject is, something’s are true weather you believe them or not.
Recently I was talking with the designer/president of a prestigious cable manufacturing firm about his various AC cord offerings. Get this: even *he* doesn't completely understand why they do what they do for a sound system! No argument from me that they do work wonders; no question about that at all. Certainly the builder has his theories, but all the numbers still don't explain everything...

Case in point: based upon feature-set alone, about 18 months back I bought a fantastic famous-name $10K preamp sound-unheard. Initially I was not all that satisfied with the sonic performance, although very good, it just wasn't what I expected it to be. In fact in some respects it was less satisfactory than the $2K preamp that it replaced. Since I only change one thing at a time, after about a week allowing for some burn-in time I then decided to experiment. Shelving & footers accomplished some audible changes, but that wasn't the answer. I figured that the AC cord was fine because I had experimented extensively with different cords on the first preamp & had found a good combination. Finally I decided to change the AC cord again & I am still amazed at what happened; the new preamp completely came alive & sang just beautifully. I'm now very happy with it of course.

So use your ears & don't worry about the physics. And if you haven't done so already, burnish all of your AC cord prongs with at least an ink eraser, or better get some crocus cloth from a good hardward store & shine up those prongs bigtime. Follow with a quality contact cleaner. Your ears will thank you.
If i read your post correctly, the same results would be obtained if the run of ROMEX were 19 ft, and the 6 ft. P/C were at least as good as the ROMEX?

Just thinking...
I am the 'other' collegue to Checkmate110. I am intrigued to hear both sides of the discussion but I am yet to be convinced by the pros of the PC. I am no expert when it comes to electrical wiring but I understand the basics of inductance and agree with Checkmate 110 that having a shorter length of house wiring from the transformer to the wall socket would have a much greater impact than purchasing a short length of expensive "jewellery" (considering what many of the high end cables are made of).

From my point of view a power conditioner or separate power supply would be of benefit because you are changing the quality of the AC supply after the wall socket, but I find it very difficult to believe that a power cord can change that much since it is just permitting the same AC supply to pass through it to the connected component. However, if the electrical transformer was connected with the same wiring as what is in the after-market power cord all the way through the hifi component, yes you would have more of an arguement than what is being presented.