Any feedback on the Levinson no.390s upgrade ??

Has anyone heard the difference between the no. 390s and the no. 39 cd players from Mark Levinson??
Ag insider logo xs@2xcmh2129
I called to upgrade my #39 and is $1,800 from the factory and $2,300 with a new face plate. A much higher sample rate and more 3-d type sound, better highs and lows. You can read about it on the WEB site. I have been waiting for a local store to get one in and check it out before I upgrade. From what I read it is a major improvement.
As it happens, I've arranged with my local dealer (Definitive Audio) to borrow their 390S tomorrow night to compare in my system vs. my #39. I'll only have a single night to do the comparison, but will let you know what differences I hear (if any!).
Craig Zastera
I listened to the 390S in my system Saturday.
I thought it sounded significantly better than my 39--more liquid, smoother, less "edgy", more "analog-like".
I didn't even need to A/B to appreciate the difference.
I have signed up to have my 39 upgraded. The cost is $1500 (not $1800 as someone reported). Another $500 if you want the new faceplate too.

One negative--the 390S's digital inputs do *NOT* accept 24/96 signals. Disappointing. Their 360 and 360S DACs can process these higher resolution digital signals, so I'm surprised they didn't incorporate this into the 390S.

For those looking for a new CD player (as opposed to 39 owners), I'd strongly advise listening to the Audio Aero Capitole and the Electrocompaniet 24/192 upgraded EMC-1.
I thought both these were at least as good sounding as the 390S (although the Levinson has a much nicer user interface and several useful convenience features lacking on the others. Plus the Electro lacks a volume control).
But for 39 owners, the upgrade represents a worth-while improvement in sound for the $$.
Craig Zastera