Any feedback on the Levinson no.390s upgrade ??

Has anyone heard the difference between the no. 390s and the no. 39 cd players from Mark Levinson??
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I a/b the 39 and 390 at a local store. the 390 is more liquid and more 3d sounding it has more space and air the soundstage just seemed to be wider and deeper. I was considering buying the demo and upgrading it. If I already owned a 39 I would be standing in line to get it upgraded. The difference was similar to what happens when you couple it to a dcs upsampler.
To I have a ML 36 that I had upgraded twice. The first was to the 36S. The =
second to the 360S. The way to go in my opinion is to upgrade to the 36S =
and call it a day. You really don't get much if anything at all in the =
360 sonically. You're just able to down load future formats because of =
more computing power capability. SO WHAT! By the time the industry =
settles on something that Madrigal feels it can jump on we'll probably =
all have heads jerked in another direction. The 36S upgrade is =
definitely the way to go. Getting a 390 from where your at will be a =
very disappointing down grade. The upgrade is $2500.00.
I don't know which DAC *sounds* better, but the Burr Brown resistor ladder DAC in the 360 costs 5 times more than the Analog Devices delta-sigma DAC in the 390S.
Hi  Anyone that upgraded your 39 to 390s I would be interested in buying the original 39 board that was replaced by the 390s board
when upgraded
Message me Thanks