As a way to avoid this type of thing happening, I always have a money-back guarantee with every item I sell on this site. In this case, if Warrenh was unhappy with the deal, he could have returned the item for a full refund, less shipping, and the seller could have sold them to someone else, who would have been happy with them. All of these problems could have been eliminated that way. Nobody would have gotten bad feedback, and everyone would have been satisfied. As a seller, I am interested in having the buyer be as happy as I was with the product, and have no interest in just "getting over" on another member. Not saying that Trancehit was doing this. But a satisfaction guarantee shows that the seller stands behind his item, and the buyer does have some recourse other than bad feedback. Yes, I have gotten some items returned to me, and I was quite cheerful about returning the money. Another person bought the item and was happy with it. So everybody wins. Since this is a membership website, I think that extra courtesy should prevail, and go the extra mile to satisfy. This applies to both buyer and seller.
So my feeling on this is that the seller should have guaranteed his product to be satisfactory, and Warrenh probably should have been a little more accepting of the situation. It is likely that if the seller offered to refund the money, that Warrenh would have probably kept the cables anyway, since they were in perfect condition, and he had what he wanted. It's not like a cable is going to go bad if it was plugged in a couple of times.
A few dollars on a used item is not worth a bad feedback listing for either party involved.