Can transport in Philips SACD 1000 be replaced?

Do you KNOW of any shop in the US that will replace the transport in a Philips SACD 1000 and with what and for how much?

There are a lot of units with faulty transports which have been upgraded for use with EMM LABS gear.

It would be great to find someone who can salvage a bad situation.
Alex is advising that he will repair what he has in house but is not taking on additional SACD-1000 units for repairs. Alx has a forum board over at Audiocircle...
The more I hear about Phillips and the pervasive problems with the SACD 1000 units the more I'm surprised there is not a class action law suit holding them accountable for selling time bombs to consumers.
Ramstl, That would be More Righteous than the Millie-Vanilli Lipsync class action suit! This Fisher Price-ish player even at 20% mfrp was a joke right out of the box. It should have been rated Stereophile Class B for BAD! When TAS stated it wasn't far off the $28,000 Accuphase combo, someone was smoking Puff while chasing the digital Dragon! Where do I sign? I still own it's powercord, I use it for dental floss, thankfully it had an IEC!
Thank you Drhst20 and Brainwater. I have been writing back and forth to Alex and believe he can help me.

I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge.

Best wishes,

Bill E
You are welcome. Please keep us informed as I will soon have one of the few meitner/philips tranports still working and as much as I hope it continues to work, I would love to have an alternative if it does not.