Power cord recommendation for Transcendent T8 OTL

Power cord recommendation for Transcendent T8 OTL mono blocks with Quad ESL63 speakers. Thanks.
I have a friend who has those amps. He uses the Pure Note Sigma PC and is quite happy. www.purenote.com
You may want to know that Bruce Rozenblitz, the Transcendent designer, does not think you need an upgrade power cord with his amp. I used to own his stereo OTL and could not tell the difference between the stock cord and an upgraded cord (I do use upgraded cords with other equipment). In fact, I sold my amp to a friend who told me he actually got better sound with the stock cord than with his Monarchy Audio cord. Go figure. The only thing I would say is that it is very system dependent so you need to try it out and hear it for yourself.
Good Luck
Why not make your own from the esteemed 2x12AWG in all-Teflon Belden 83802? I assemble kits including both connectors, an outer jacket, and full NO-SOLDER instructions to make one of these in 1/2 hour. Only $33 and you'll have a GREAT PC that will have fine detail, huge dynamics, and beacuse of its fine 12AWG braided shield, a VERY quiet noise-floor. Hence it makes great dedicated lines ($2.50/ft) also. Sorry to plug, but I'm trying to eradicate the slippery-slope of snake-oil one by one. Cheers. rnie 781 483-3922