Any Mark Knopfler Fans Out There?

The new album "Privateering" is out and excellent! Knopfler has been a favorite of mine since the Dire Straits days, and his voice seems to get more character as the years pass by. As always, the guitar work is impeccable, as is the recording quality. A double CD makes it a steal!
I gotta go thumbs down of this one as well. I get the feeling that MK was pushed to make a 2 disc release and just didn't have the depth to do so. There are a few good tracks and had he picked the best of the two discs and released a single disc. The disappointment would probably not be the same or possibly not exist as disappointment at all. I invested in the 3 disc set that has a 3rd disc with 5 songs that were "extras". As Mofimadness indicated, I too may find it very rare if anytime grab this selection to play again. Not when I have to reach over Shangrila, Philadelphia or a classic like Communique. But for some it may become a favorite. I hope for MK's sake it does and that is just a handfull like me, that find that the listening results in disappointment.
I'm really enjoying 'privateering' after a couple listens. At 1st it didn't do much. Nice system Bama- I used to have a X250 paired w/ML SL3's years ago.
I have been a fan for years. But honestly, his last few releases have been snoozers. Any reason to think this isn't more of the same?

Agree I have all his albums including projects with other artist, this one can't be compare with the work we are adjust to!
Maybe is our high expectations about someone so talented.
but i hope that will grew up on me.
I am definitely a fan of Dire Straits. I like Shangri-La alot, but most often reach for DS: Love over Gold. I love LOG, sounds great on vinyl. It's refreshing to have bands like this who cared about sound quality. I will have to check out Making Movies again, I haven't listed to that one in a while.