To answer the original question, DBT is controversial because there are widely divergent views of its accuracy and applicability. One group of people feels that DBTs as a test methodology are inherently incapable of demonstrating audible differences. Another group feels the opposite. A fertile topic for discussion, in my opinion.
The rancor comes, unfortunately, when fringes on one side or the other feel the need to characterize those with whom they disagree as either "meter readers with no hearing/bad systems/no experience/etc." or as "delusional and indulging in wastful fantasy". Neither is correct (well, not in most cases), nor productive to meaningful discussion of the subject at hand.
Why some feel that this particular topic - why the controversy over DBTs - is unsuitable for discussion mystifies me. Well, not really . . .
The rancor comes, unfortunately, when fringes on one side or the other feel the need to characterize those with whom they disagree as either "meter readers with no hearing/bad systems/no experience/etc." or as "delusional and indulging in wastful fantasy". Neither is correct (well, not in most cases), nor productive to meaningful discussion of the subject at hand.
Why some feel that this particular topic - why the controversy over DBTs - is unsuitable for discussion mystifies me. Well, not really . . .