Verdict on Pure Note, Ridge Street w solid state ?

Can anyone share their experiences with these cables on Solid State equipment ? basics are Integra Research Digital pre amp, Classe 301 Amp and Legacy Signature III speakers.
The question is have Silver based interconnects and speaker cables reached the point where solid state usuers can enjoy the extra detail of silver w/o the harshness and listenening fatigue of earlier designs ? Also if anyone ever tried out Stealth UR , silver based speaker cables your thoughts are appreciated . Gracias !
I agree with Lak. Just finished a home audition of Ridge Street cables in my system. Speaker cables , IC's and digital cables .My system is SS system , Krell KSA-100 Mk.II , ARC SP-9 Mk. II, Mirage M-3 speakers.In one word , "Fantastic" ! They sounded natural,detailed,great soundstage ! They made my system sound like "New" again !Tell you the truth, I would never of believed what they did.Had me "Dance'in"! I would recommend to anyone that they give Ridge Street Audio cables an audition in their system ! I know I'm happy I did, and I'm "Still Dance'in" !!
I would also suggest trying a pair of both Ridges Streets cable versions, Midnight Silvers and Symphonia Master to see which works best for your taste. They are both very similar with the Symphonia Master being a touch warmer ( in my system ) that the Midnights Silvers. If you system tends towards brightness the Symphonia wouldn't be a bad idea to try.Good Luck
The Ridge Street Midnight Silvers are wonderful with my solid state gear. Everything improved. No edge, no harshness and no listening fatigue. Great product. I too appreciate their light weight and no nonsense appearance.
Do a search on my many posts for Pure Note. Their newer version four blows away their older products. They finally got rid of the slight silver glare and thinness. The cables are quite musical now and actually sound better than my Siltech Compass Lakes ($7000 interconnects).

Sonic Genius' Reference Stereo System a/o July 2003:

Martin-Logan Prodigy speakers.
Krell FPB400cX power amp. Modified with IEC power inlet.
Krell KCT preamp.
Sony SCD-1 SACD player.

Sutherland PHD phono preamp (battery).
VPI TNT-HR-X turntable, JMW 12.5 tonearm.
Grado Statement phono cartridge.

Pure Note Epsilon Reference XLR, RCA cables. Rev. 4.0
Pure Note Epsilon Reference speaker cables. Rev. 4.0
Siltech Compass Lake XLR interconnects.