What cd player or cd transport/dac is next for me?

I have a ML 335, ML 380S, Dunlavy SCIV's, Harmonic Tech Magic Ones biwired and Stealth Gold interconnects currently with Sony SCD-1. I had a Resolution Audio CD55 for about a year. I found that the redbook play of the Sony and CD55 were comparable with different strengths, but similar enough that I characterize them as of the same class/level.

I wish to make a significant shift in cd play. First, is it necessary in your opinion to go to the top of the heap to get dramatic improvements? Is used equipment available in your opinion that will yield those results at used prices?

I have heard the ML 39, EMC-1 ML 30.5 & 31.6 in similar systems to mine. Are the new generation of mid-level cd units dramatically improved over the prior generation? (Ml 39/ML 39S, EMC-1 upgrade)

I look forward to useful ideas for improvement. All other thoughts I suspect will be appreciated also!

Bill E.
Well, I went through the Wadia 16, Goldmund 39DA+, Sony SCD1 and now the Naim CDS2 on the one box side (the Naim has a separate, equally large power supply but is still essentially 1-box). And various DACs. Can't say there is an advantage to one or the other at this level as far as 1-box vs separates. Except that for me, the Levinson sounded too analytical, you could here the space between the dots. Too much air, soundstage depth, very unrealistic but grand. The Naim for one, is tightly connected and I really can't discern the digitalness in the sound. The SF Processor 3 and Altis Reference had a similar smoothness but were more muted and less alive and apparent/motivating. Meridian was clear but dry, for instance bass was too over-damped and tight, not resonant. Audio Logic 34 was thick, lush but also dark and not realistic if enchanting. Borrow a cheap Naim and you'll find the PRaT thing cultists rave about. CDS2 does that plus all the other things. Most of all, I like listening to my thousand plus CD collection, from poorly recorded pop to XRCD and HDCD. So I settled on a one box solution by happenstance. If you don't find the holy grail of CD players, separates gives you more flexibility.
Check the new Chord DAC64 at www.chordelectronics.co.uk with a new filter algorith which is 100% time coherent. I compared it with a Levinson 360S and it was much more listenable. More anaologue in essence but very detailed at the same time. It takes 96/24 as well and it is 1900 pounds in the Uk while being compatible will all voltages wordwide
Thanks all for the input. I bought an AudioMeca Mephisto II one box and it's been great. Softer, more musical, deeper soundstage(about 15 feet vs 5 with the SCD-1)which now runs from my feet. I finally got to see and feel PRaT. It's amazing to hear and feel the difference.

Bill E.
Hey Bill - Isn't the Mephisto II awesome?? I just got one myself - The day I received it, I took it to a friends house for audition & now he has one too!

Also, did you notice that all of the sudden, music sounds good at ALL VOLUMES? Even when it's very low?
Hi Bwhite. It's good, at all volumes, but it's great once it fills out the room.

Bill E.