help me pick a phono preamp.

Ok I just purchased a VPI Scout with Grado Sonata 0.5mv combo here on Audiogon. I now need a little help picking a phono stage. What I don't quite understand is "input load", how do you match that? What about gain? Budget around $1200 Any help appreciated. Thanks
You should consider Grado phono pre-amp since you are using Grado cartridge already. Otherwise Audio Research PH3 and Dynavector P75 would be a good choice but Dynavector is harder to find. Good listening.
others will answer your question about input load, but i would highly recommend the dynavector p-75. i use mine with a scout, first with a benz glider l2, now with benz ref 2 silver. with a low output cart, it has a special "enhanced" setting that essentially takes load setting by you out of the mix. incredible sound, and it's gotten rave reviews(check out hi-fi+ review from last issue). $599 new.
the dynavector can easily be ordered though music's the link(disclaimer: i'm not associated with them in any way other than being a satisfied customer who ordered mine through them...)

dynavector p-75