help me pick a phono preamp.

Ok I just purchased a VPI Scout with Grado Sonata 0.5mv combo here on Audiogon. I now need a little help picking a phono stage. What I don't quite understand is "input load", how do you match that? What about gain? Budget around $1200 Any help appreciated. Thanks
"Rolling tubes" is to swap the tubes that came with the unit from the manufacturer with other tubes of different make or vintage (but that are still electrically equivalent). Swapping the tubes will change the sound; the obvious goal is to gain an improvement.
Graham Slee Era Gold MK V

I'd never heard of Graham Slee either, until I did some research. Try a search on Audioasylum, the Vinyl following is bigger over there. I found one used here on the 'goN, and it sounds incredible. Here's a review:

Also, Class A is stereophile (whoop-t-do, I know) but it is by far the cheapest Class A phono stage in their listings.

Anyway, good luck
Well, I did as Rushton suggested and emailed Grado Labs. Their response to the fact that the gain on the phono in through the Statement Sonata/PH1 is disproportionately low compared to any other input was "That is normal with this cartridge. Please enjoy." Somehow less than satisfying. Based on that, I'd say 56 dB is not enough gain.

edesilva, I also just emailed Grado regarding "hum" and their response to me was, "this will not be a problem, please enjoy"