Bi-wire Cable Choices?...

Anybody have strong feelings for or preferences toward one of the following bi-wire speaker cables?

*TARA LABS RSC Prime Bi-wire
*DH LABS Q-10 Bi-wire
*Signal Cable Internal Bi-wire

They will connect a Roksan Caspian Integrated Amp to Epos M-12 speakers. My current wire is Kimber 4 PR singles. The sound is good yet seems a tad lean and small(?). Will bi-wire necessarily fill out the sound? Deeper? Fuller? I'm looking at keeping the cost under $200 for 6-8ft. Thanks mucho, Jerry
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Tvad, thanks for the Markertek info. Got a catalog from them within days. My question, have you (or anyone else out there who has listened and lived with Canare speaker wire) noticed a drop off at the low frequencies? I've read many good things 'bout these cables with one exception-that being the low end is a little light. This concerns me because I am looking at bi-wiring to hopefully bring out more bass in my system. Thanks,
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Thanks. I'm gonna give the Canares a try. I will love it if they are the ticket. I'm not really a tweeker and I have no interest in throwing a bunch of coin at an endless pursuit. I am in this for some good sounding music. I dig my stereo and I really just want to get a bit more punch outta the low-end. Thanks again. I'll let you know how it turns out. Jerry