Budget Turntable Cartridge Suggestions

I'm looking for a replacement cartridge for a friends turntable. It's a Project 1.2, I've replaced the factory Sumiko cartridge due to damage. The replacement cartridge is the Grado Black, and due to space is quite near the TV. As the Grado lacks shielding, I'm getting a fair amount of hum. I've tried everything to reroute the wires, but no luck. I don't remember hearing this hum w/ the Sumiko cartridge.

I'm using a MF X-LPS phono into a NAD 3200BEE integrated and pair Totem bookshelves. Base is not as big a consideration as the speakers are small. Highs and mid are the critical factor. I don't mean to be "Ted Technical" as we're talking budget components. Any suggestions in the sub-$100 range and/or experiences are appreciated. Thanks!!
I use a Shure M97xE and am very pleased with it. It won't give as much air or sparkly highs as more expensive carts, but it has a nice unfatiguing sound, is very unfussy, tracks like a mofo. And since switching to a low-mass unipivot arm, I'm getting great detail and better highs.

Check with Jack's Music Factory for a good price on it.
I third the Shure M97XE suggestion. Very affordable and has a user-replaceable stylus as well. I was substantially more impressed with it than the budget Goldring Elan and Eroica carts (same body, different stylus.)