Effects of brading interconnect wire

Here is an interesting question on a more technical side, for those so inclined. What effect(s) result from brading speaker wire, regardless of the brand/cost? Neatly coiling extra wire would create some amount of inductance, I would venture to guess. And leaving a pile of pasta dosen't rate high on the wife-o-meter.
In my situation I have a pair of Alon Mk IV's tri wired to my McIntosh MC-2102 and to neaten things up I braided the wire to make it more "visualy appealing". What have I done to those poor electrons!
No, probably positive. A few companies do this as their design, such as Jena Labs. If you get the postive and negative wires to cross at 90 degrees you get a phase cancellation--although very small for this signal, it probably is perceivable in high-end systems. Having not done a comparison myself I can't say for sure, but I can say that it won't hurt. If you kept your wife happy, and you didn't do harm to the signal--you're ahead of the game.
You say that the wires are a "tri-wire" configuration? Well then, since all the wires carry the same signal there is no interaction at all.
There was a related thread on this a short while back, check this out: http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?cspkr&1066229292&read&keyw&zzvandersteen It relates Richard Vandersteen's thoughts on bi-wiring which would also apply to tri-wiring.