Strain Gauge Cartridge info requested

Over the weekend I picked up a Win SDT 10.2 strain gauge cartridge and controller at the Denver Audio Show (great show!). It was recently retipped by Van Den Hul and sounds wonderful. I have another body that needs a new cantilever and stylus.

A Google search turned up only two minor references. Please respond if you have any info. on the technology and/or retipping service. Thanks in advance, jeraldrc.
Unless this is different from the one I owned (serial number 6) this is based on the Panasonic Strain gauge from Japan.

Not sure if Dr. Win bought rights or modified what already existed.
Dear Jeraldrc: A strain gauge cartridge is a cartridge that use resistors with a voltaje supply instead coils.
It is a cartridge that it frecuency response is truly linear from 0hz , yes this cartridge can go down to 0hz.
Albert already give you some info and you already know that you can repaired with Van DenHul.
Regards and enjoy the music.