Does Apple airport express work well?

I am considering purchasing one but have read a few reviews stating it cuts out periodicly. Do these people have something wrong in their setup or is that a problem with the unit? I have a PC and want to use Itunes to send music to my stereo. Any opinions good or bad?
Ag insider logo xs@2xpal

The Apple airport express is a router! It certainly can set up a WiFi network to support one to seven computers!

The current airport express supports "g" and "N" standards.

Wireless is the best way to go in normal sized house or apartments. Why hassle with cables? Works fine through normal walls and floors, but has less range through concrete or brick.
ok, it is a cheap mans router. it is a very limited router. if you compare the apple extreme router to the airport express,there is no comparison. will the airport express get by, sure if you want to call it that and in limited cases, will it ever replace the apple extreme router? no way.

also, wireless is the worst way to communicate device to device compared to using a cat 5e cable. with wireless, you have interference issues, you have degradation, and you have slow speeds.

as for wired, i have a gige network using switches. no dropouts, no interference, and i'm 100 times faster. how can you say wireless is the best way to go?

i do use 'n' wireless for my iphone and ipad since i can't hook them up to my patch cables.
It works just fine for me. The Airport express is the same speed as the extreme! I never get any interference or dropouts! The "n" spec is Very fast!

You can stream HD video, and audio is no problem with the same speed!

Long cables "roll" off the high frequencies!
Long "audio" cables have high frequency roll off!

1000 GB ethernet cables routed through a house are a PITA, and give no advantage over "n" WiFi when streaming audio through an Airport Express or Extreme!
wifi is a distant 2nd choice when comparing wired to wireless. you claim the AE is the same speed as the extreme: for wireless sure, but how about wired? you can't compare that because the AE doesn't provide that functionality. also, with any wireless, the further away you are from the router the more signal degradation you will have. i can go further distance over wire with 'NO' degradation. 'N' wireless speed is very slow compared to gige. why would anyone want to go 'n' wireless over gige wired? security can be an issue with wireless, along with interference, connection times, etc.. every room in my house has a ethernet drop and i have multiple apple extreme\WAP devices. you are doing people an injustice to say that you can use the AE as a router when you only gat a portion of the router functionality in the AE.