I have an Oracle Alexandria with Sonus Formula IV tone arm and a Graham Slee Gram Amp 2 SE. I am presently using a Sumiko Pearl Cartridge and am looking to improve. Nothing lacking but I figure there must be better. The 44db of gain in the Graham Slee keeps me in the MM or HO MC camps. Grado cartridges seem to be my best choice from looking through the archivves but am open to suggestions. Budget could extend to the $300.
Dopogue, could you explain what you mean by "high compliance" in regards to matching my tonearm and cartridge? The Shure sure sounds like a good choice.
I'll second the Shure V15VxMR. Really hard to go wrong with this cartridge and you get the added benefit of being able to remove the stylus without removing the whole cartrige. I found this of great importance when cleaning, moving or modifying anything on the table.
You may also want to consider a Dynavector 10x5. I have not heard one but the 10x5 seems to be preferred by many to the Grado.
Stuart, the ability to define and describe "high compliance" is beyond my meager technical know-how. I'd suggest a search on Audio Asylum for this and "low mass," another descriptor pertinent to your arm (and the cart best suited to it). Incidentally, I have a Dyna 10X5 and like it a lot (though not as much as the ADC XLM), but I don't think it's well suited to your arm. Others may disagree. Dave
I'd stick to a MM with that arm. And a light one. I understand that the Grado Reference Sonata sounds very good with the Sonus and you might be able to find one used for that or a bit more if patient. The Grado NEEDS a light arm to show its skills. The Shure is also an option, but I'd wager the Grado might best it on that particular arm.
BTW, what are you using for spindle to pivot distance - 225mm as per the literature or 211-212 like the original Mayware (on which it is based)? I ask because while the Sonus lit says the effective length is 240mm, I measure mine to be 229. You?
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