Joe, which school of philosophy are you concerning yourself with in regards to illusionary attachments? When you mention "forms", I sort of think you are referring to the forms by Aristotle. But, you've mentioned Zen Buddhism too. I am sort of confused. You see, Aristotle is teological, in that every object in this world has a final goal. This means, the final goal of metal is to form my CA50 just to keep me happy. But then, Zen Buddhism's own teology is to find Satori, literally where truth is found in emptiness, but I emphatically think it means truth free from adulteration of non-truths. So, we are assuming that stereos and other "forms" or "illusionary" objects are non-truths that adulterate the real truth, satori, in the realm of zen buddhism. So, to make this short, what tubes did you find ephmeral enlightnment with your LS16? And, who is JC? The Ongaku master, JC Audio? BTW, my insomnia has nothing to do with my audiophelia. This post was originally made to answer some burning questions and to waste time while I couldn't sleep.
Burning question regarding upgrading paths
Thanks visiting my thread!
While you are here, please ponder on the following queries and answer to the best of your abilities. Each of these questions is designed to upgrade my state of mind. You ability is timed and will be weighted against the answers given by people who are the same age as you.
1) What is the best way to upgrade existing system "A"?
(upgrade=more clarity, dynamics and better soundstage)
(you only have $2000 to allocate)
A= Cal Audio Delta-AQ Emeralds
Meridian 518-Mapleshade ultrathin
Cal Audio Sigma-AQ Emeralds
Aragon 8002-AQ Argent/Midnight double biwire
KEF 103/4
LAT International on all electronic components
A) Upgrade DAC
A dac with tube output is prefered.
B) Purchase preamp
A tube preamp is prefered.
C) Upgrade cable between amp and speaker
Silver cable is prefered.
D) Digital cable
Make me a believer.
E) None of the above
Sell system A and start over
F) I don't care.
2) What is the fundamental utilitarian purpose of Zen Buddhism for the self and for the masses?
A) By fulfilling nature, man is fulfilled.
B) By acceptance of thought, man becomes congruent.
C) By meditating, man negates yin and yan from consciousness.
D) Meditation is good cardiovascular exercise.
E) Zen is derived from aryan caste systems designed to enslave the masses.
F) None of the above. (prove short essay answer?)
Stop, your test is finished.
Thanks for helping me sleep easier,
While you are here, please ponder on the following queries and answer to the best of your abilities. Each of these questions is designed to upgrade my state of mind. You ability is timed and will be weighted against the answers given by people who are the same age as you.
1) What is the best way to upgrade existing system "A"?
(upgrade=more clarity, dynamics and better soundstage)
(you only have $2000 to allocate)
A= Cal Audio Delta-AQ Emeralds
Meridian 518-Mapleshade ultrathin
Cal Audio Sigma-AQ Emeralds
Aragon 8002-AQ Argent/Midnight double biwire
KEF 103/4
LAT International on all electronic components
A) Upgrade DAC
A dac with tube output is prefered.
B) Purchase preamp
A tube preamp is prefered.
C) Upgrade cable between amp and speaker
Silver cable is prefered.
D) Digital cable
Make me a believer.
E) None of the above
Sell system A and start over
F) I don't care.
2) What is the fundamental utilitarian purpose of Zen Buddhism for the self and for the masses?
A) By fulfilling nature, man is fulfilled.
B) By acceptance of thought, man becomes congruent.
C) By meditating, man negates yin and yan from consciousness.
D) Meditation is good cardiovascular exercise.
E) Zen is derived from aryan caste systems designed to enslave the masses.
F) None of the above. (prove short essay answer?)
Stop, your test is finished.
Thanks for helping me sleep easier,
- ...
- 40 posts total
- 40 posts total